
await-to-js callback hell or try-catch hell


  1. Promise 的引入是为了解决了 callback hell, 但流程控制上只能一路 then, 流程控制欠缺
    1. axios, umi-request 都通过扩展拦截器来做流程的细节把控
    2. 对于封装为 Promise 的公共模块,缺少钩子 predo postdo
  2. ES7 的 async/await 造成了 try-catch hell
    1. await-to-js 包一定程度上是在解决 try-catch hell 的问题




您需要使用 Node 7.6(或更高版本)或 ES7 转译器才能使用 async/await 功能。

await-to-js 要解决的问题

import to from 'await-to-js';

// before
async function asyncTask(cb) {
  try {
    const user = await UserModel.findById(1);
    if(!user) return cb('No user found');
  } catch(e) {
    return cb('Unexpected error occurred');

  try {
    const savedTask = await TaskModel({userId:, name: 'Demo Task'});
  } catch(e) {
    return cb('Error occurred while saving task');

  if(user.notificationsEnabled) {
    try {
      await NotificationService.sendNotification(, 'Task Created');
    } catch(e) {
      return cb('Error while sending notification');

  if( !== {
    try {
      await NotificationService.sendNotification(, 'Task was created for you');
    } catch(e) {
      return cb('Error while sending notification');

  cb(null, savedTask);

// after
async function asyncTask() {
  let err, user, savedTask;

  [err, user] = await to(UserModel.findById(1));
  if(!user) throw new CustomerError('No user found');

  [err, savedTask] = await to(TaskModel({userId:, name: 'Demo Task'}));
  if(err) throw new CustomError('Error occurred while saving task');

  if(user.notificationsEnabled) {
    const [err] = await to(NotificationService.sendNotification(, 'Task Created'));
    if (err) console.error('Just log the error and continue flow');

// 当在同一个方法中实现了多个异步操作并且错误处理对于两种情况相同时,
// 新的 promise 处理程序可能不是最佳选择(回到 try...catch 反而能避免重复)。


 * @param { Promise } promise
 * @param { Object= } errorExt - Additional Information you can pass to the err object
 * @return { Promise }
export function to<T, U = Error> (
  promise: Promise<T>,
  errorExt?: object
): Promise<[U, undefined] | [null, T]> {
  return promise
    .then<[null, T]>((data: T) => [null, data])
    .catch<[U, undefined]>((err: U) => {
      if (errorExt) {
        const parsedError = Object.assign({}, err, errorExt);
        return [parsedError, undefined];

      return [err, undefined];

export default to;