

跨平台设置和使用环境变量。(此库目前处于维护模式。不会添加新功能,只会修复严重和常见的错误,且与 NodeJS 保持同步)






当使用 NODE_ENV=production 来设置环境变量时,大多数Windows命令提示将会报错。因为Windows和POSIX 设置和使用环境变量方式不同。

windows不支持 NODE_ENV=development 的方式来设置环境变量,会报错(Bash on Windows 例外)


cross-env 能够提供一个设置环境变量的scripts,让你能够以unix方式设置环境变量,然后在windows上也能兼容运行。这样你只需要配置 POSIX 格式即可跨平台使用环境变量了。

# 统一格式
cross-env NODE_ENV=production && webpack

设置完环境变量,nodejs 环境可以在 process.env 上获取所有的环境变量


npm i cross-env --save-dev
  "scripts": {
    "build": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production webpack --config build/webpack.config.js"

NODE_ENV 环境变量将由 cross-env 设置



module.exports = () =>
  process.platform === 'win32' || /^(msys|cygwin)$/.test(process.env.OSTYPE)


不是 Windows,直接返回,是 Windows 则将 $my_var or ${my_var} 变为 %my_var%

const path = require('path')
const isWindows = require('./is-windows')

module.exports = commandConvert

 * Converts an environment variable usage to be appropriate for the current OS
 * @param {String} command Command to convert
 * @param {Object} env Map of the current environment variable names and their values
 * @param {boolean} normalize If the command should be normalized using `path`
 * after converting
 * @returns {String} Converted command
function commandConvert(command, env, normalize = false) {
  if (!isWindows()) {
    return command
  const envUnixRegex = /\$(\w+)|\${(\w+)}/g // $my_var or ${my_var}
  const convertedCmd = command.replace(envUnixRegex, (match, $1, $2) => {
    const varName = $1 || $2
    // In Windows, non-existent variables are not replaced by the shell,
    // so for example "echo %FOO%" will literally print the string "%FOO%", as
    // opposed to printing an empty string in UNIX. See kentcdodds/cross-env#145
    // If the env variable isn't defined at runtime, just strip it from the command entirely
    return env[varName] ? `%${varName}%` : ''
  // Normalization is required for commands with relative paths
  // For example, `./cmd.bat`. See kentcdodds/cross-env#127
  // However, it should not be done for command arguments.
  // See
  return normalize === true ? path.normalize(convertedCmd) : convertedCmd


const isWindows = require('./is-windows')

const pathLikeEnvVarWhitelist = new Set(['PATH', 'NODE_PATH'])

module.exports = varValueConvert

 * This will transform UNIX-style list values to Windows-style.
 * For example, the value of the $PATH variable "/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:."
 * will become "/usr/bin;/usr/local/bin;." on Windows.
 * @param {String} varValue Original value of the env variable
 * @param {String} varName Original name of the env variable
 * @returns {String} Converted value
function replaceListDelimiters(varValue, varName = '') {
  const targetSeparator = isWindows() ? ';' : ':'
  if (!pathLikeEnvVarWhitelist.has(varName)) {
    return varValue

  return varValue.replace(/(\\*):/g, (match, backslashes) => {
    if (backslashes.length % 2) {
      // Odd number of backslashes preceding it means it's escaped,
      // remove 1 backslash and return the rest as-is
      return match.substr(1)
    return backslashes + targetSeparator

 * This will attempt to resolve the value of any env variables that are inside
 * this string. For example, it will transform this:
 * cross-env FOO=$NODE_ENV BAR=\\$NODE_ENV echo $FOO $BAR
 * Into this:
 * FOO=development BAR=$NODE_ENV echo $FOO
 * (Or whatever value the variable NODE_ENV has)
 * Note that this function is only called with the right-side portion of the
 * env var assignment, so in that example, this function would transform
 * the string "$NODE_ENV" into "development"
 * @param {String} varValue Original value of the env variable
 * @returns {String} Converted value
function resolveEnvVars(varValue) {
  const envUnixRegex = /(\\*)(\$(\w+)|\${(\w+)})/g // $my_var or ${my_var} or \$my_var
  return varValue.replace(
    (_, escapeChars, varNameWithDollarSign, varName, altVarName) => {
      // do not replace things preceded by a odd number of \
      if (escapeChars.length % 2 === 1) {
        return varNameWithDollarSign
      return (
        escapeChars.substr(0, escapeChars.length / 2) +
        (process.env[varName || altVarName] || '')

 * Converts an environment variable value to be appropriate for the current OS.
 * @param {String} originalValue Original value of the env variable
 * @param {String} originalName Original name of the env variable
 * @returns {String} Converted value
function varValueConvert(originalValue, originalName) {
  return resolveEnvVars(replaceListDelimiters(originalValue, originalName))


const {spawn} = require('cross-spawn')
const commandConvert = require('./command')
const varValueConvert = require('./variable')

module.exports = crossEnv

const envSetterRegex = /(\w+)=('(.*)'|"(.*)"|(.*))/

// process.argv.slice(2)
function crossEnv(args, options = {}) {
  const [envSetters, command, commandArgs] = parseCommand(args)
  const env = getEnvVars(envSetters)

  // 如果 command 存在,则利用 spawn 开启子进程
  // 并附带上 commandArgs, 同时将子进程的 process.env 设置成 env
  if (command) {
    const proc = spawn(
      // run `path.normalize` for command(on windows)
      commandConvert(command, env, true),
      // by default normalize is `false`, so not run for cmd args => commandConvert(arg, env)),
        stdio: 'inherit',

    process.on('SIGTERM', () => proc.kill('SIGTERM'))
    process.on('SIGINT', () => proc.kill('SIGINT'))
    process.on('SIGBREAK', () => proc.kill('SIGBREAK'))
    process.on('SIGHUP', () => proc.kill('SIGHUP'))
    proc.on('exit', (code, signal) => {
      let crossEnvExitCode = code
      // exit code could be null when OS kills the process(out of memory, etc) or due to node handling it
      // but if the signal is SIGINT the user exited the process so we want exit code 0
      if (crossEnvExitCode === null) {
        crossEnvExitCode = signal === 'SIGINT' ? 0 : 1
      process.exit(crossEnvExitCode) //eslint-disable-line no-process-exit
    return proc
  return null

// cross-env NODE_ENV=production webpack --config build/webpack.config.js
// => ['NODE_ENV=production', 'webpack', '--config', 'build/webpack.config.js']
// 分为三部分 [envSetters, command, commandArgs]
// envSetters = { NODE_ENV: 'production' }
// command = 'webpack'
// commandArgs = ['--config', 'build/webpack.config.js']
function parseCommand(args) {
  const envSetters = {}
  let command = null
  let commandArgs = []
  for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
    const match = envSetterRegex.exec(args[i])
    if (match) {
      let value

      if (typeof match[3] !== 'undefined') {
        value = match[3]
      } else if (typeof match[4] === 'undefined') {
        value = match[5]
      } else {
        value = match[4]

      envSetters[match[1]] = value
    } else {
      // No more env setters, the rest of the line must be the command and args
      let cStart = []
      cStart = args
        // Regex:
        // match "\'" or "'"
        // or match "\" if followed by [$"\] (lookahead)
        .map(a => {
          const re = /\\\\|(\\)?'|([\\])(?=[$"\\])/g
          // Eliminate all matches except for "\'" => "'"
          return a.replace(re, m => {
            if (m === '\\\\') return '\\'
            if (m === "\\'") return "'"
            return ''
      command = cStart[0]
      commandArgs = cStart.slice(1)

  return [envSetters, command, commandArgs]

// 将 envSetters 与 process.env 合并为 env
function getEnvVars(envSetters) {
  const envVars = {...process.env}
  if (process.env.APPDATA) {
    envVars.APPDATA = process.env.APPDATA
  Object.keys(envSetters).forEach(varName => {
    envVars[varName] = varValueConvert(envSetters[varName], varName)
  return envVars


#!/usr/bin/env node

const crossEnv = require('..')




npm scripts

当我们执行 npm run build 时,背后究竟发生了什么呢?

npm 脚本的原理非常简单。每当执行 npm run,就会自动新建一个 Shell,在这个 Shell 里面执行指定的脚本命令。因此,只要是 Shell(一般是 Bash)可以运行的命令,就可以写在 npm 脚本里面。

比较特别的是,npm run 新建的这个 Shell,会将当前目录的 node_modules/.bin 子目录加入 PATH 变量,执行结束后,再将 PATH 变量恢复原样。

这意味着,当前目录的 node_modules/.bin 子目录里面的所有脚本,都可以直接用脚本名调用,而不必加上路径。

比如,当前项目的依赖里面有 cross-env,只要直接写 cross-env xxx 就可以了。
