npm i simple-git-hooks -D
to your package.json
"simple-git-hooks": {
"pre-commit": "npx lint-staged",
"pre-push": "cd ../../ && npm run format",
// All unused hooks will be removed automatically by default
// but you can use the `preserveUnused` option like following to prevent this behavior
// if you'd prefer preserve all unused hooks
"preserveUnused": true,
// if you'd prefer preserve specific unused hooks
"preserveUnused": ["commit-msg"]
This configuration is going to run all linters on every commit
and formatter on push
注意: 每次更新命令后,需要手动运行
npx simple-git-hooks
, 用于更新 git 钩子(.git/hooks/)
参见 https://github.com/toplenboren/simple-git-hooks#common-issues
源码不多,300 多行,参见 simple-git-hooks